Thursday, May 23, 2013


LEG PRESS: (unknown weight. 6th bar.) 5x8
CALF RAISES: (same machine, same weight) 5x8
CHEST PRESS: (unknown weight. 4th bar.) 2x6  (3rd bar): 1x6 1 1x8
LEG EXTENSIONS: 78lbs 2x6  66lbs 2x8
MID ROW: 115lbs 4x6  135lbs 1x6
SEATED DIP: 99lbs 1x6  86lbs 1x6  72lbs 2x8
BICEPS CURL: 70lbs 2x6  62lbs 2x8
SHOULDER PRESS: 76lbs 1x4  69lbs 1x6  62lbs 1x8 55lbs 1x8
LAP PULL DOWNS: 117lbs 1x6  102lbs 1x6  85lbs 2x8
LEG CURLS: 115lbs 2x6  97lbs 2x8
OUTER THIGHS: 140lbs 2x8  120lbs  2x8
INNER THIGHS: 120lbs 1x8 90lbs 2x8 100 1x6
CRUNCHES: C 2x8  R 2x10  L 2x10  C 1x10
SQUATS: 45lb bar 2x25lb weights = 95lbs 3x8
TREADMILL: 31.5min 2-3.5 walking & power walking, 1:30 5.5 jog.
BIKE OF DEATH: 26.24 minutes (I aimed for 250 calories/6 laps.)
There came a point in my life very recently that I whole-heatedly decided that enough was enough. The Queen is almost 2, and I am still the same weight I was when I gave birth to her. That is unacceptable. Women pacify it by dealing out comforting thoughts such as "It usually takes about 2 years to get the weight off!" and "Well you have no time- it'll come off on its own!" Thank you, but that's not the case.

The case is was that I wasn't trying to get the weight off. It's that simple! I'd get into these super-overdrive-motivation modes for 3 days, just to give up as quickly. The work outs were too hard, I couldn't keep up, my joints, my lungs, no time, no energy, school is in the way, it's the holiday-- how many things can get in the way of me?!
The answer then: a lot!
The answer now: myself.
I've stopped trying to find the time to go to the gym, and now I make the time to go. I feel so good each day I go- it's motivation that carries me through the day.
I have friends that have been in the same boat that I was/am in. The only thing that I can do is encourage them. It is SO, INCREDIBLY HARD to get out of the rut you can get stuck in. Not only for mothers, either. Women in relationships that put the comfort pounds on, college freshman 15, birth control weight gain, health issues- whatever the cause and case may be. It is hard to find the motivation and to hold onto it. I know- I did it for 2 years now!
I started this blog as a way to keep up anonymously with my progress, but lately I've realized that not everyone is as verbal about their insecurities as I am- but they are still struggling with the same thing I am. So, here I am. Accountable for my actions and inaction. Putting myself out there like my friend did for me. I am on a mission to get my old body back, and then improve it. I am on a mission to show my daughter that I can keep up. I am on a mission to improve my health so I can be her superhero. I am on a mission to chase my dog around the block every time he runs away, and not feel like I am about to implode. I am on a mission to skinny jeans and pretty tops, wearing tank tops and lifting my arms, stepping out of the plus size section and getting back into my favorite stores. I am on a mission to feel confidence, to walk with my head high again- because I've been teaching my daughter to look down at the floor. No more.

I'm on a mission to becoming A MILF. Yeah. I am on a life changing mission that started with a realization, baby stepped into quitting soda, tumbled into joining the gym, and is snow balling into working myself 110%, sweating without caring, and eating with purpose.

I am on a mission to be proud of myself-inside and out-because I am working for it.


Peace, Love, Sweat, & Happiness.
A Clueless moment from me to my friends:
My machine just started inclining without letting me know and I yelled out "what the F%#$ is happening?!" in a panic. It was like an earthquake. I shouldn't be allowed here.


1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of you. I have all the faith in the world in you. You can do it! & then you can teach me how to do it. & I love your graphics.


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