Family above all else. My siblings are the most helpful, selfless, generous people I share this life with and I’m very blessed to have them. They help each other (and me) in anyway they are capable. I love my siblings immensely and thank my stars that we were raised the way we were.
I lost my mother at 25. I guess 25 years is better than nothing, right? But with my mother, no amount of time would have been enough. She was just a classy, funny-as-hell broad that you loved to be around. I miss her excruciating amounts.
I cried when I found out the child was a girl. Four months after losing my mother, we found out the gender of “nugget” and I said “It’s still early, though. She could still grow a penis!” It wasn’t until I was driving home, missing my mother, and thinking about the incredible relationship we had as mother and daughter, that I realized I was beyond ecstatic to have a girl. I didn’t realize I wanted a daughter so bad until it was confirmed that I was building one. So when people tell me to wait for those teenage years when she hates me and I’m wrong about everything- suck it. My mother was my best friend no matter what age I was, and I have complete confidence that while we will fight, the child will feel the same towards me.
I have no self discipline. I do what I want, when I want to do it, and that is why I am still not back to my pre-partum weight. I don’t bargain with or restrict myself from the things that I want and enjoy because life is short.
I want to own a home more than I want to be back into my pre-baby clothing. I want to be a home owner and enjoy the struggles and hassles and the yard! Oh, the yard!
I loathe ketchup. Get that nasty away from me!
I unapologetically love TV, movies, and fiction books. I love getting away for a while in the comfort of my home, wrapping myself in their story and being enveloped. I can’t afford to travel so why not?
My mom called me Poopy my entire life. I believe it came from my unyielding love for Winnie the Pooh. I used to cry when it (and Gumby) was over and the credits rolled.
I love to clean late at night. (Another reason I want my own home instead of an apartment!) If I could clean at night without disturbing anyone, my apartment would always be perfectly organized and gleaming.
I can spend 12 hours on my computer without a 2nd thought. I haven’t in a very, very long time, but I could.
I am not a morning person. I do not enjoy coffee. I will have a morning conversation with you and not remember a single word of it. It is best to leave me alone until after 12pm, just to be safe.
I am terrified of birds. However, I love owls. They are a special little fowl that I enjoy and would probably even pet. All other birds should just go away, though.
I am also terrified of spiders, thousand-leggers, and any bug that jumps. Screw it, bugs. I’m just scared of bugs. I also wouldn’t want to come face to face with bears or sharks, because I’d pee all over.
I gnaw my nails off when I am stressed while reading, and I won’t realize I’ve done it until I’m finished and in pain.
I take 600+ pictures and videos with my phone in a 2 week period.